Jonathan Hubbard:
Flows: Variable, Low Flow Channel currently 2,800 cfs / High Flow 12k cfs
Clarity: 3-4 ft steelhead green
Rating: Decent to Good / They're there if you can get to em!
The Feather River is doing its spring thing. Flows are fluctuating in the Low Flow Channel and have been anywhere from 800 cfs to 5000 cfs in the past month. Current flows are at 2,800 but could definitely go up with the precip in next week's forecast. Most folks shy away from the Low Flow Channel when it gets above 2000 cfs, but I"ve had some really good days walking and wading the low flow side channels up to 2500 cfs. I'm also 6'7", so that helps! Anyways, the fish are in the same water at any flows, Find the water that's about walking speed and 2-6 feet deep, and you'll be on the fish. Pick apart the water you can fish and maybe you'll find one!
If you're nymphing throw prince nymphs, worms, sucker spawn and attractor mays under the indicator. Euro nymphers can throw the same bugs just put something nice and heavy on the bottom like a jigged sculpin or heavy jigged worm. Swing guys need to get down for the most part and can throw a type 6 sink tip on a 5 or 6 weight double hander and swing salmon fry, sculpins in black and olive, and caddis attractors. If it warms up at all the caddis should start popping, and you can switch over to a 1.5 ips sink tip and fish caddis emergers and floating pond smelt in the tailouts and bottoms of the holes where big fish are looking up.
If you're in a boat, make sure you pick your lines and stay away from hazards. Focus on the soft water and get ready to back row a bunch to get nice long drifts. If you're wading, please make sure you wear a nice wader belt and snug and a wading staff as well. Don't wade above your thighs if you don't have to, the fish are on the seams close to shore anyway. For extra security, you can wear an inflatable life vest which is lightweight and handy if you do happen to take a spill.
Spring steelhead on the Feather are beautiful fish, and there are always some large fish in the high 20s and low 30s caught in conditions like these. Its not a numbers game, but I'll take a few steelhead over about anything else until the shad come calling!
Joe Garza: I fished the Lower Feather River on Tuesday. We fished from downtown Oroville to the Thermalito Outlet. It fished well, we hooked 7 Steelhead between downtown and Robinson’s shelf. Squirmy worms (#12 pink, red, fire orange) and 2-bit hookers (#12/14 black or brown) worked well for us. We had 1 greedy fish clobber an Alevin (#12), 3 times in a row during one drift, to finally button him up on the last take. All techniques were working on Tuesday, plus we had a good mayfly hatch. Indicator nymphing produced the best, with tightline nymphing producing also. We even had a chance to swing, hooking up with one nice steelhead that came unbuttoned on the jump! The Feather river is going to improve as spring sets in, so don't miss out.
WANNA get out on the FEATHER THIS SPRING Check Joe Garza’s Open Dates out HERE

Jonathan Hubbard: There are a few fish hanging around in the Feather and some fresh winter fish pushing in with this new round of precipitation. Low Flow Channel is at 800 cfs and High Flow in the Oroville Wildlife Area is at 1700 cfs and very wadeable. Clarity is chalky green with about 2 to 3 feet of visibility so size up your presentations a little and fish prince nymphs, caddis, eggs, attractors, and worms to find fish under the indicator.
If you want to swing, hit the High Flow section and throw leeches and sculpins in black, purple, pink and olive. A blue and black Hoh Bo Spey is always a good bet in colored up water or something that pushes a little more water.

Jonathan Hubbard: The feather is in full swing. Salmon have finished staging and, with this colder weather, they are on redds and dropping eggs. If you love the egg bite this is the place to be and that's no secret! Expect company all over the river as it's prime time, but if you've never caught a steelhead or already have the bug, this is one of the best times to try your luck. Find spawning salmon and fish egg patterns and caddis behind them. Make sure you are very careful not to wade on active redds, which can be identified by the salmon paired up on top of them or the curcular clean gravel nests which stand out clearly against the olive river bottom. You're going to break off on some kings fishing the egg bite, but when you get a big feather bruiser it'll be worth the effort! Mostly large 18-28 inch hatchery fish are throughout the system from low flow channel to high flow with a few resident rainbows and a sprinkling of native fish in the mix. Flows are seasonally low in low flow channel at 800 cfs and around 2k in high flow with great water temps. If you like to swing the fly, the high flow section in the Oroville Wildlife Area is prime for swinging milking eggs, flesh patterns, sculpins, and soft hackles.

Ben Thompson: There are already a lot of salmon in the river. The flows are similar to last year and as they start to drop a bit it is going to come into prime shape. Last fall was absolutely epic with how many fish were around and this year is likely going to be the same. Last year a good chunk of fall we saw some awesome mid morning dry fly fishing, the river is healthy and I think that there will be some good dry fly opportunities until it gets real cold. During many drought years fishing can become tough after the few weeks of December but last year with all the water it fished through pretty much all of winter and I am hoping this year will be the same.