Jonathan Hubbard: The Creek is producing some rediculous fish right now. High flows all summer fattened these monster bows up and they are on the bite with really approachable flows. Putah is always a challenge and definitely worth getting a guide if you don't how or where to approach these fish. Technical nymphing at its finest, these challenging fish are worthy of putting in some time. Tight line or suspension presentations will both produce fish. Bring out your fast action 4 weight and fish 4x and below depending on water clarity to micro mayflies, caddis, and midges. Switch up flies until you find the color of the day! If you aren't hooking weeds occasionally you're not deep enough. Spotting fish and site fishing to them is doable if you have some patience. Swinging trout spey rods can also work here in the longer runs and pools. Black, olive and tan leeches and crawdads could get the job done. Look for new water you havent fished and do some exploring. You never know what you'll find around that next corner. Be mindful of poison oak, rattlesnakes and ticks! There is a voluntary closure to let the native rainbows spawn in the winter. I usually stop fishing Putah around Thanksgiving or early December or when flows drop below 100 cfs. Good luck!